Project Partners


About: The German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) is the Safety@Work project lead and the main institution responsible for project implementation on the EU-side.

As a public body established by the Federal Law of Germany, DGUV represents statutory accident insurance institutions with a combined strength of 25.000 employees. Prevention, rehabilitation, and financial compensation form the cornerstones of DGUV’s mission.

DGUV embraces nine sector-based Berufsgenossenschaften (BGen – Accident Insurance and Prevention Institutions), twenty-one Unfallkassen (Social Accident Insurance Institutions for the Public Sector). DGUV looks back at more than 20 years of cooperation with China in the field of OSH and has been sharing experiences with its Chinese counterparts on the best-practices of OSH policies in Germany and the EU.

Project Role: DGUV is responsible for the coordination of project activities, close cooperation with Chinese authorities and dissemination of the project results.

Learn More: More information on DGUV can be founder under this ⧉ link.


The Information Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management (IIEM) is the implementing institution on the Chinese side responsible for occupational safety. IIEM is a scientific institution subordinate to the Chinese Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM), providing research services contributing to evidence-based OSH policymaking decisions by MEM. This includes policy and regulatory analysis, mapping of standards and the development of safety strategies coupled with technical consultation.

Project Role: IIEM is working closely with DGUV to develop a new methodology for capturing and reporting occupational safety data that is inspired by the existing European Statistics on Accidents at Works (ESAW) methodology. 


The National Institute for Occupational Health and Poison Control (NIOHP) is the implementing institution on the Chinese side responsible for occupational health aspects. NIOHP is a research department subordinate to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – a national public welfare institution underlaying the National Health Commission (NHC), a de facto Health Ministry if China. The main role of NIOHP is the assessment of occupational disease hazards and toxicity identification.

Project Role: NIOHP is working with DGUV to understand better how symptoms of certain occupational diseases can be captured better using OSH methods.